WSABC Online Entry Name of Horse (required) Year Foaled (required) Sex (required) MareStallionGelding Registry Number (required) Registry (required) Is this horse leased? (required) YesNo Owner Name (required) AQHA Number (required) AQHA Expiration Date (required) Owner Mailing Street Address (required) Owner City, State & Zip (required) Owner Phone Number (required) Owner Email (required) Owner/Exhibitor Same? (required) YesNo Will this horse be stalled? (DEADLINE 8-9-2024 - Stalls/Tack Stalls * Two or more nights (before deadline $180/after deadline $195) * One night/day (before deadline $55/after deadline $70) * Stalls Sunday Night ($40/night)) (required) YesNo Stalled with? Arrival Date Departure Date Reserve tack stall - number of tack stalls needed? Exhibitor #1 Name (required) Exhibitor #1 Type (required) Exhibitor #1 Birthdate (required) Exhibitor #1 Relationship to Owner (required) Exhibitor #1 ID Number (required) Exhibitor #1 ID Type (required) Exhibitor #1 Expiration Date (required) Exhibitor #1 Street Address (required) Exhibitor #1 City, State & Zip (required) Exhibitor #1 Phone (required) Exhibitor #1 Class Entry (required) Exhibitor #2 Name Exhibitor #2 Type Exhibitor #2 Birthdate Exhibitor #2 Relationship to Owner Exhibitor #2 ID Number Exhibitor #2 ID Type Exhibitor #2 Expiration Date Exhibitor #2 Street Address Exhibitor #2 City, State & Zip Exhibitor #2 Phone Exhibitor #2 Class Entry PAYMENT INFORMATION - Please enter name on credit card Credit Card Number Credit Card Expiration Date CVV Zip Code WAIVER RELEASE: As a condition of my participation and/or the participation of my child in this event, I agree as follows: I release WSABC, the Grant County Fairgrounds, its employees, volunteers, agents, the show facility, and the management of this show from any loss, damage or illness that may occur to me, my horse, or my property as a result of my and/or my horse(s) attendance at or participation in this event. I am responsible for any loss or damage caused by me or my agents at this show grounds and I will pay any bill rendered to me for such loss or damage. My signature also authorizes payment of all show fees with credit card as listed on this entry form. PLEASE PRINT NAME (OWNER/AGENT/RESPONSIBLE PARTY) (required) Today's Date Message Δ